Wednesday, 19 December 2007

An Idea

Every thing begins with an idea. We all have a desire to learn and be informed. And we all have some common problems like lack of time, proper guidance, lack of information which keeps us from pursuing our desire.

The "30 Minutes to Tech Nirvana" was born out of the same desire. This concept is started with the help of my collegues to satisy the above desire. We spend 30 minutes a day to share our knowledge and experience with the team members. This helps us to understand certain things which we generally take for granted.

What follows rest is the summary of these sessions. This will serve as a single point of reference.

Our high lever agenda is to master these technologies
The following is the high level finalized agends [I finalized it :)]

Application Design/Architecture skills
- OOAD/ Design Patterns
- Unit Test
- Agile Methodology [Extreme Programming, Scrum]

Technology Skills 3 + [Technology Skills]
- Linq, Dlinq, Xlinq
- Entity Framework
- WPF, Silverlight

Let's see, where this exercise leads to. May be we all may learn a lesson or two out of this little experimentation..

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